Call : +63 32 2620518 / 4944682
#1025 Escaño Rd., Sitio Lahing-Lahing, Brgy. Mabolo, Cebu City 6000, Philippines Weekdays: 09:00 A.M. - 06:00 P.M.

Basic training curriculum on governance and empowerment

Basic Curriculum for PTA Governance and Empowerment



DURATION: 1 whole day: Session 1 (Morning), Session 2 (Afternoon)

Course Objectives

At the end of the training course, the participants shall be able to:

  1. Recognize the Omnibus Guidelines of the Regulation of Operations of Parent-Teacher Associations as per DepEd Order 13, Series of 2022;
  2. Identify the composition of the School Parent-Teacher Association (SPTAs);
  3. Enumerate the steps of becoming a member of an SPTA;
  4. Categorize the different roles and responsibilities of SPTAs;
  5. Outline the procedures in forming, organizing, and supervising the SPTAs;
  6. Present the plans to improve the SPTAs in relation to gender and development, and persons with disabilities;
  7. Initiate financial management and record-keeping for the SPTAs;
  8. Demonstrate opening and managing of bank accounts of the SPTAs;
  9. Illustrate best practices in organizing fundraising activities of the SPTAs;
  10. Exercise the financial independence of the SPTAs,
  11. Develop strategies of SPTAs towards gender and development of the school’s learners, and;
  12. Develop skills in resource mobilization in calling for funds from external partners.

Course Outline

Session 1 (Morning)

  • TOPIC 1: Capacity Building

    • Role & Responsibilities: Understanding vs. Standard
    • What is DepEd Order 13, Series of 2022?
    • Composition of PTA and their roles (Article 2- Section 7), in connection with the Federation of PTA (Article 2- Section 8 and 9)
    • Planning and Supervision of PTAs (Article 9 -section 33-36)
  • TOPIC 2: Gender-Related Topics

    • Gender Roles
    • Introduction to the Gender-Responsive Education Policy (DepEd Order 32, Series of 2017)
    • Gender and Development Programs, Projects, and Activities for PTAs (DepEd-CAR R.M. 176, Series of 2018)
  • TOPIC 3: Clientele Care
    • Allowed & Prohibited PTA Activities
    • Presentation of School Improvement Plan
        • Gender and Development (GAD), e.g. gender-neutral bathrooms, uniform policies for LGBTQ+
        • Persons who are Differently-Abled, e.g. ramps for PWD
        • Services for Students at Risk of Dropping Out (SARDO), e.g. free tutorial services, Brigada Pagbasa

          The presentation shall have emphasis on the following:

        • Provisions for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), e.g. toilets, washbasins, hygiene stations, COVID-19 triage

Session 2 (Afternoon)

  • TOPIC 4: Compliance and Procedures

    • Accounting Procedures
    • Financial Management and Reporting
    • Transparency and Accountability
  • TOPIC 5: Cash Mobilization

    • Cash Mobilization Procedures
    • Suggested Fundraising Activities
    • Financial Independence
  • TOPIC 6: Resource Mobilization
    • Resource Mobilization Plan

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